Lake Crackenback Resort
Lake Crackenback Resort is a 4 ½ start Novotel property located on the Alpine Way, approximately 15 minutes drive from Jindabyne.
The resort borders the Kosciuszko National Park and is well worth a look. The resort has its’ own trout stocked lake, Lake Crackenback, and you can actually cast a line from the balcony of your unit, directly into the lake. Fish of over 3kg have been caught! The lake is fed by the Little Thredbo River, which runs into the Thredbo River, less than 1km from Lake Crackenback.
Lake Crackenback Resort also has a fine dining restaurant, Crusine on Lake Crackenback, which is actually suspended over the lake and provides a stunning setting for that special occasion. The Lake Crackenback foreshore is dotted with unique sculptures by a local artist that creates pieces revolving around the theme of trout fishing. The lake is also available for fishing to non-staying guests, however please seek permission from the reception desk first.